金曜日, 4月 21, 2006

the greens, the population, the beeps

i'm pretty sure someone who's normally hanging around with me in the city notices that everytime i enter or exit the shops ( eg. general pants, city beach, universal store etc), the alarm beeps. it's been REALLY REALLY annoying me. and..my friends as well, for sure..lol.. it's so embarassing when you enter a shop and the alarm beeps. but it won't happen anymore!! HAHA!!
one of the shopkeeper said that probably there's a..security tag? i'm not sure what to call it but i guess you know what i mean. it's like a barcode that sticks to the things in the shops. so i checked my bag and everything inside it..and i found out that it was there, inside my wallet!! omg...i felt so stupid for not knowing that the tag was still in there...in the bottom of one of the card slots..and i have been using this wallet for 2 years!!
so, sally spent around 15 minutes to take it off..(damn, it was hard..) then she shops peacefully ever after...hahaha..

kinpatsu sobakasu

i had an interview at one of the restaurant in the city. i guess i dont need to name.

interviewer : " so, you are Indonesian..you must have a religion then"
me : " yes, i'm a muslim"
interviewer : " so, how is the prayer thing?"

* i didn't quite get it when the interviewer ask me of my religion and things related to it.

me : " well, we pray 5 times a day..."
interviewer: " so, when is the 5 times?"
me : " umm, it's 4 in the morning, around 12, 3, 6 and after 7 pm"
interviewer: " okay i'll tell you from the beginning, i can't give you so many breaks to do your prayer."
me : " oow, i'm sure my prayer won't affect my work"
interviewer: " so, what are you gonna do with your prayer?"

* so i explain the jamak things..we talk about my availability as well, then..

interviewer: " alright, i'll still consider to accept you or not..if i call you then that means you're accepted. but if you dont receive any call from me, then take it as no.."

most of the time in the interview we talked about the religion stuffs, we didn't even really talked about my skill or experiences..
gosh, i'm tired of people with narrow mind..i can manage my prayer without affecting my work..

火曜日, 4月 18, 2006

porqué ?

I feel quite tasteless right now. well i taste sugars. no. pardon me, it's dark chocolate. conservative but nice and sexy. But still, cacao took only some part on my tongue. the rest, just the taste of saliva.

This semester is harder than i thought it would be. it's the first semster of the year, it should be easier than the second one. well probably due to the change in the course expectations. frankly this is the first semester since i enter uni that i really worked hard. try to manage not to skip a class but still with a bit of lates in the morning..haha. uni for this sem is fun. It's tiring but fun. seriously, this might sound freaky but i feel alive in a way.

But still, there're something missing in my life right now. or i'm just being stressed with the pressures awaiting for me? mid sem break would end soon and final is coming. then going back for a few weeks. going back is fine, meeting family, meeting friends, eating, shopping. sweet. but still i have a bit of paranoid feeling about jakarta. it's not the bomb hey, dont be silly. it's something else. the pressures? the fear? the crowd? nah just forget bout it. hopefully luciano wont screw the stuff. I'm quite fed up for he's being talking like that. annoying me to the hell. instead i wanna have some faith. of good, of course.

oh and there're some good news. everything is shocking...

daniel and sonia is getting married. as well as mariah and some oman guy.
then the best part is nelly is coming for a month holiday to brisbane!! yaaayyy...!!! =D
these all takes place in july..no puedo esperar para verle nelly!! =D

月曜日, 4月 17, 2006

is that a natural phenomenon?

I have too much to talk about but I don't feel like writing.
had been sitting here trying to collect all my thoughts together but I dont think I'm gonna post them anyway..

I'm not sad.
I'm not mad.
I'm just wondering.

Anyway, tomorrow is rena's birthday..
she might not read this but happy birthday gurl!
cheer up sweety, it's your birthday!! =)
don't be sad if you think u've made the right choice..(well i know u wont..hehe)

月曜日, 4月 10, 2006

sejelek-jeleknya indo, gw masih sayang..

hari ini ada hal yang membuat gw cukup kesal.
kok bisa yah ada orang kaya gitu..heran banget..
sebelum memulai ceritanya, pengen nanya dulu,

"apakah kalian akan menceritakan kebobrokan negara lo kepada orang asing walaupun memang negara lo memiliki banyak sisi buruknya?"

siang ini gw ngerjain tugas sembari menunggu temen2 makan siang. ada satu orang malaysia dan sisanya orang indonesia. yang ngobrol-ngobrol cuma orang malaysia (kita panggil aja dia A) dan salah satu teman gw yang disini akan gw panggil B. yang lain sibuk ngerjain tugas dan makan. saking sibuknya dengan tugas, gw gak begitu merhatiin apa yang A dan B bicarain pd awalnya. tetapi ketika temen2 gw yang lain pergi untuk fotocopy kerjaannya, yang tinggal disitu cuma A, B dan gw. gwpun jadi ikut dengerin apa yang mereka bicarain. ternyata B nyeritain ke A tentang negara kita. tepatnya berbagai macam hal-hal buruk yang ada di Indonesia. oh, salah, bukan gitu maksud gw..kalau gw bilang mereka bicarain hal-hal buruk yang ada di indonesia, berarti mereka memang membicarakan fakta yang ada. tetapi yang mereka bicarakan menurut gw bukanlah fakta. mungkin ada beberapa hal yang memang fakta, tatapi sisanya hanyalah cerita yang dilebih-lebihkan saja. malah buat gw terdengar sedikit seperti fitnah.

mungkin gw gak pantes nulis pembicaraan orang disini, tapi ini adalah beberapa hal yang B ceritain ke A yang bener2 membuat gw kesel

1. B : " hey do you know, engineering students in Indonesia cooperate with the thief, to make the keys you know!! car keys!! which won't turn on the alarm you know!!"

A : " oow really? sshh***t...thats bad..."

***** jujur gw gak suka dengan cara dia cerita begitu. mungkin memang ada orang yang kerjasama dengan maling2 untuk membikin kunci palsu. tapi diatas dia ngomong seolah-olah semua mahasiswa teknik bekerjasama dengan maling. seolah-olah mereka belajar dengan tujuan untuk melakukan kejahatan.

2. B : " yeah, don't come to indonesia. there're lotsa bomb you know...terrorist everywhere...
so dangerous, I won't suggest you go there..there're also terrorist in UK but i dont mind going there..UK is a much better place than Indonesia.."

3. B : " so many australian get killed in indonesia...you can get killed as well if you come..too many bad persons out there"

****** aduh aduuhh dimana mana juga pembunuh itu ada kaliiiiiiii!!!! gak cuma di indo aja!

dan B juga bilang kalau kebanyakan orang jika ditanya apa mereka udah pernah ke indonesia? banyak yang menjawab belum, tetapi mereka pernah mengunjungi singapore atau malaysia. dia bilang karena memang kedua negara itu jauh lebih baik aman daripada indo dan juga memang lebih bagus. dia bilang buat apa datang ke indonesia, gak ada bagus2nya...

soal ketertiban mungkin iya, malaysia dan singapore mungkin lebih baik. tapi soal adanya orang jahat menurut gw sama aja. di negara manapun pasti ada pembunuh, pencuri, penipu dan koruptor. bahkan singapore yang terkenal hukumnya ketatpun menurutku tidak menjamin. ada temen gw dicuri uangnya sebanyak 3000 atau 5000 singaporean dollar waktu dia jalan2 dan nginap di hotel berbintang 3 di singapore. malam2 dia digedor sama 5 orang yang mengaku polisi. dia dituduh bawa narkoba dan barang2nya digeledah. esok paginya dia sadar kalau uang sebanyak 3000 atau 5000 singaporean dollar ilang bersama ipodnya. ini terjadi di singapore yg orang2 bilang aman. sama aja kan? tapi kita juga tak bisa bilang orang singapore itu pencuri hanya dari situ saja kan? kita tak bisa mengeneralisir seperti itu..

yaudahlah ya, kalaupun gak suka dengan negara sendiri lebih baik tidak mengumbar-umbar kejelekannya ke orang asing. seperti halnya menceritakan aib keluarga, menjelek-jelekan bangsanya berarti dia menjelek-jelekkan dirinya sendiri. karena mau tak mau diapun masih bagian dari negara itu..gw bilang saja ke A yang cukup naive dengerin cerita B.. "udah, lo dateng aja ke indonesia, gak usah takut..nanti gw ajak2 lo ke tempat2 yang bagus.."