日曜日, 6月 11, 2006


I know i shouldn't be doing this. Tuesday is the exam day for chem. dan gw harusnya non-stop ngegebet semua materinya...teetaapii saya kurang semangat!! mengapa hari begitu membosankan? eh kalo ngom gitu kesannya gw gak mensyukuri hidup ya...tapi emang saat ini rasanya lagi garing banget. apa karena jenuh belajar mulu atau apa..dan satu sisi takut jg kalo nanti denger kabar2 buruk setelah ujian. hu..yasuwlah gak penting ngisi beginian..mo belajar lagi ah..

Wish me luck yah...

土曜日, 6月 10, 2006

craving for money..yes yes..i need to shop!!

Done for micro this morning...thank God i felt much better than previous sems^^..although there're some questions that i had no idea what to answer..but yea i think it should be fine coz i managed to do most of them correctly..(well hopefully..^^;)
There're still 3 more to go but I'm already dreaming to shop in bandung.. I'll save my money here and shop around till drop!! =D

火曜日, 6月 06, 2006


this may sound selfish, but i can't be bother to think of other problems during this exam period. i dont wanna do such a stupid thing that i did in semester one last year. that whole package was shit. i just need a peaceful time to study. so everyone, forgive me if i'm being egoist.

and, did i make any big sin that i'd been having a big shit during or before the exam period? if you remember it was always like that just before or during all my exam periods.
I hope this time won't be screwed. i have no time nor space for that.

God..i'm pathetically in need of getting all high distinction..*haha* at least half of them is more than distinction..nyanyanyaa

McD disaster was crap, so why don't we be nakayoshi again eh?